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Explore Effective Solutions for Snoring to Improve Your Sleep Quality

Published on

Oct 09


Sleep and TMJ Pain Care™

Why do we snore?

Snoring is one of the common issues that many of us go through. Have you wondered why do we snore? Snoring occurs when there is an obstruction in the airways, and the soft flappy tissues in our breathing pathway flutter due to the obstruction, and the tissues vibrate, producing rhythmic course sounds, while asleep.

It is hard to pinpoint a few solutions for snoring, as it is a collective process of getting things right. In this blog, let us dwell on the reasons, treatment and how to prevent snoring while sleeping. This may not only help you, but more often it can be a blessing for your partner as well, who must go through unpleasant or disturbing nights caused by your snoring.

Why is snoring common?

There are many reasons to point out why snoring has become common. With lifestyles becoming more sedentary than in earlier days, it is estimated that one-third of the total population of people aged between 15 and older go through insufficient physical activities. And with the advent of technology, globally, around 70 per cent of the waking hours are spent without the required physical activity. The result of this is less immunity to fight diseases like obesity, allergies and other issues that may affect your snoring, further causing irregular sleeping patterns.

If you find yourself snoring most often, or your close one facing this, it is likely not to be ignored. Snoring can be an underlying symptom of something serious like:

  • Sleep apnea or blocked passage
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Obesity
  • Obstructive passage in your mouth, nose or throat
  • Sleep posture
reasons for snoring

How to Prevent Snoring at Night

For some, home remedies or simple lifestyle changes are sufficient solutions for snoring. Some tips to reduce snoring during the night include:

Ensure you get a minimum of 7 to 8 hours of sound sleep as per the recommended hours by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Depriving yourself of sleep can also be one of the reasons of snoring at night, leading to a tiring and dull day throughout without proper sleep
Sleeping on your back may lead to loud snoring, as there are chances your tongue rolling back to the throat and blocking your air passage. Changing your sleep position while lying on any of your sides may allow you to sleep well with no snoring.

For some, using nasal dilators or strips bring about a drastic change in sleep patterns, as it dilates the nasal passage brings in more room for breathing, ultimately eliminating the snores around the night while asleep.
These dilators can be external or internal, where the former come in the form as strips, while the latter is to fixate from the inside of the nose

Make sure your head is in an elevated position while sleeping, as it keeps the airways open and reduces snoring at night. This is highly recommended for someone suffering from severe allergic tendencies, or who catches a cold quite often.
Due to the tendency to relax your muscles, sedatives encourage snoring while sleeping, hence it may be avoided during the night. If you have medical conditions that require you to use them, take the suggestion of your doctor for an alternate time to ingest the medicines.
For a sleep without snoring, be mindful to avoid alcohol or limit it to 3 hours before sleep time, as it aids in relaxing throat muscles that results in snoring. Studies have shown that consuming alcohol is associated with shorter REM sleep patterns.
Sometimes, being overweight has an adverse effect on sleep, making it difficult to sleep as it encourages snoring.
Allergies tend to reduce airflow through the passages, making breathing a forceful activity. These conditions make snoring easy while sleeping. Treating allergies through a doctor’s direction will help in reducing the chances of snoring regularly.
At times, people are affected with a deviated septum due to injury or by birth, leading to snoring while sleeping. This misalignment of the nose walls that separates the nose leads to snoring while sleeping.

Treatment for Snoring

Now that we have seen some of the causes for snoring, let us dwell into the options to choose from to cure your snoring problems. It is advised to consult your physician before opting for a suitable treatment for snoring:
Some devices and oral appliances assist in cutting off snoring and providing a peaceful deep sleep through the night. These appliances are: 
Oral implants, like palatal implants, are small implants inserted below the palate to prevent snoring.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure commonly called CPAP is a machine placed at your bedside that blows pressurized air through a mask into your nose giving enough air to cut down snoring.
This is a medical treatment where soft tissues of the tongue and uvula which vibrate are removed in a simple procedure.
Some procedures to increase the airway passage like Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty, tonsillectomy, Thermal Ablation Palatoplasty and adenoidectomy pose some hope to reduce snoring with medical intervention from your doctors.

Where to find Help for Snoring

As much as your relationships blossom, the one thing that can put it off is snoring. There have been instances where sleep apnea and snoring have been a major concern for a strained relationship. To avoid such situations, contact us at TMJ India where our specialized dental experts rightly diagnose and provide the best solutions for snoring.

To treat the most complex of TMJ problems, contact us at TMJ India and get your appointment with our TMJ experts today! 

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