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Understanding TMJ Arthrocentesis and Its Procedure for Effective Pain Relief

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JAN 08
The temporomandibular joint is a small part of the synovial joints of our body and yet plays a vital role in the overall maintenance of our health. Right from a simple teeth problem to the underlying causes in the internal system, these problems are connected to the TMJ structure which also includes the synovial joints. So, what are synovial joints in our body? These are joints that help us in moving the parts of our body, and TMJ is one among them. In this blog, TMJ internal derangement is explained and more about what procedure TMJ Arthrocentesis is and how it helps us in Treating this condition.

What is TMJ Internal Derangement?

A TMJ derangement happens when the extent of the joint disc gets dislocated from the cavity where the joint is placed. This condition usually happens due to a few factors like-
  • Over-use of the TMJ (clenching, grinding, single side chewing, etc.)
  • Joint extension more than required
  • Due to disorders like arthritis and lupus erythematosus
  • Trauma or accident to the TMJ
  • Inaccurate dental treatments in the past
These problems can be generally corrected neuromuscularly with a significant difference. However, if they aren’t taken care in the initial stages, the disc becomes completely dislocated and the 2 bones that form the joint start fusing leading to reduced mobility of the joint. This is when arthrocentesis is advised.

What is TMJ Arthrocentesis Procedure?

Arthrocentesis, pronounced as ahr-throe-sen-tee-sis, is a minimally invasive procedure conducted by a TMJ specialist in order to wash out or drain the sterile fluid in your temporomandibular joint. This procedure is done by inserting needles into the identified area and straining the fluid out. This condition if left untreated, leads to discomfort and pain in your TMJ area leading to temporomandibular joint disorders.
arthrocentesis procedure

Why is it important to Take a TMJ Arthrocentesis Procedure?

This procedure is usually done while you have issues in your TMJ region where you cannot open your jaws completely or have a lock jaw. After taking this procedure, you will be able to open your mouth wide without any pain or discomfort for a period of time provided all the causes of the TMJ disorder have been removed.

Are there any Side Effects to this Arthrocentesis Procedure?

Yes, there are some side effects to these procedures, like any other medical procedure, and it is nothing to be alarmed about-
  • Pain in the area where the procedure was conducted
  • Minor clotting in your TMJ area
  • Swelling occurs for a while as there was a needle inserted in the TMJ area
  • Difficulty in opening your mouth immediately after the procedure, as the facial nerve linked to this procedure might have become inflamed.

General Technique Involved in the Arthrocentesis Procedure

This procedure is conducted using a single needle for the TMD you have, where you inject a single needle to wash out the fluid from the joint. This is more comfortable for the patient as it is less painful compared to the two-needle procedure. The procedure is short and convenient to handle.
This is another draining technique where there is one needle placed at the posterior end at a distance of 10 mm from the tragus, which is a small prominent projection at the inner side of the outside of your ear. And at 2 mm from the corner-tragus on the line below. The second needle is then placed carefully anteriorly, 20 mm anterior to the tragus and 10 mm inferior to the corner–tragus line.

Here, a needle known as a cannula lumen is used, where the injection of a saline solution and draining of fluid is done using a single draining pathway. Here the average operative time is about 25 to 30 minutes with less pressure in opening the mouth wide. It is a convenient procedure and is highly recommended for a faster recovery rate, usually within 3 to 6 months, after which the TMJ problem will not persist.

arthrocentesis procedure

Who Performs TMJ Arthrocentesis?

This procedure is conducted by an Orofacial maxillary surgeon specializing in TMJ issues and maxillofacial trauma. They carry out this procedure under a general anaesthetic and it is completed within a day. The Right Bite Sleep & TMJ Pain Care chain of clinics across India, has the best TMJ specialists in India.

What is the Arthrocentesis TMJ Before and After Effects?

  • Improved jaw mobility with the increase in their ability to open and close the mouth wider.
  • Reduced pain in the temporomandibular joint region
  • Improved jaw function and the ability to chew and speak freely
  • Lesser chances of infection and inflammation in the TMJ area


With this overview, you are now aware of the TMJ Arthrocentesis, why it is used, its procedure for immediate pain relief. This will help you make an informed decision of when to visit a TMJ specialist and carry out the procedure to overcome the issue and lead a healthy lifestyle, devoid of any TMJ pain and its underlying problems. For more details, visit our TMJ India website and book an appointment with us today!

To treat the most complex of TMJ problems, contact us at TMJ India and get your appointment with our TMJ experts today! 

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