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How is the TMJ connected to


How is the TMJ connected to tongue posture, head, neck and muscle pain?

The TMJ is the most accommodative joint in the body. It has the capability to absorb stress from the cranium above, the facial muscles in front and the cervical complex below. It is unique in that it forms the highest point in the postural chain. To add to these above facts, there is also the fact that 2 important nerves, the Trigeminal Nerve and the Facial Nerve traverse in close proximity to the TMJ. Together these nerves supply roughly 80% of all the muscles of the head.

Due to the above reasons, any flaw in the above mentioned structures will finally end up with excessive strain in the TMJ.

The TMJ can also be affected from a opposite-side defect. The bilateral TMJ is the only joint in the body that crosses the midline. Hence, if there’s a problem in 1 joint, there’s going to be a problem on the other side as well; may not be symptomatic as yet, but it’s like a ticking bomb waiting to happen.

TMJ Connnected to tongueposture, head, back, neck and muscle pain
The fascia-connection to the TMJ is the newest discovery. The tongue is connected to the lower jaw directly. Hence, jaw position and tongue muscle condition are directly in relation to each other. This connection is covered by a loose fascia known as the lingual frenum. For different people, it attaches at different places to the tongue. The closer the attachment to the tip of the tongue, the more the lack of tongue muscle tonicity leading to a narrower airway. This also pulls the head forward which over a long period of time ends up as chronic neck pain. No amount of physiotherapy or any other treatment modalities would be helpful as a permanent cure, as long as the airway isn’t open or the tongue posture corrected.
In short, only a proper exhaustive diagnostic protocol will help formulate a proper treatment regimen to help the patient in pain.

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