The Right Bite Sleep and TMJ Pain Care
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Neuromuscular dentistry (NMD) is all about the science of creating a harmonious atmosphere among the muscles of mastication, the temporomandibular joint, the airway and the teeth so that neither compensation nor compromise happens in any of the above constituents of the stomatognathic system. It enables the dentist to master bio-metrics (measurement) and hence practice precision dentistry keeping the general well-being of the patient in the mind.
Airodontics : The Right Bite Protocol ®, conceptualised by Dr. Raj Rav (The Pioneers in NMD protocols) has tied up with ICCMO (International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics) to teach NMD and its protocols with help from his team that includes Dr. Girish.P.V (the premier NM orthodontist in India), Dr. Abhimanyu Chaturvedi (Tongue Tie Specialist) and Dr. Ankit Saha (Radiologist with expertise in TMD and Sleep Disorders). The Right Bite Institute of Airodontics conducts fellowship courses in collaboration ICCMO, the global advocate for Neuromuscular Dentistry. as well as other cources related to Airway Dentistry This science was brought to India under the leadership of Dr. Raj by officially opening ICCMO’S chapter in India on 31st March 2017
NMD, as per Airodontics ® , is divided into Addition NMD, Reduction NMD, Sleep Dentistry, Myofunctional Therapy (Including appliances and tongue physiology), Cervical Physiology ,Nm Sports Dentistry, NM Orthodontics and NM Digital Smile Design to help teach, learn and practice the science better. It is based on the Muscle Physiology in Occlusion and Biometrics concepts. The courses have been designed in such a way so that a participant can start by understanding the basics and then go on to completing the fellowship with case presentation within 2 years (Cluster 1); and then following it up with Phase 2 NMD and Advanced NMD with ICCMO’s Mastership programmes (Cluster 2 & 3) and NM Orthodontics.
Neuromuscular Dentistry (NMD) taught the way it needs to be. Step by step.
The Right Bite Sleep and TMJ Pain Care under the aegis of ICCMO (International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics) brings to India the complete solution of NMD to treat TMD (Temporo Mandibular Joint Disorders) and OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea). Learn it the perfect way from Dr. Raj Rav BDS MICCMO PhD and his team.
The Right Bite Institute of Airodontics - ICCMO India Fellowship course
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 1
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 2
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 3
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 4
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 5
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 6
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 7
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 8
The Right Bite - ICCMO INDIA Learn NMD to treat TMD/OSA - Batch 9
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