What to Consider When Choosing a Migraine Specialist for Effective Treatment
Migraines are a condition wherein the patient develops constant and regular headaches in one or two sides of the facial and head region.
The Right Bite Sleep and TMJ Pain Care
Like any other joint, the jaw joint ends up locked if you don’t take care of it in the initial steps – such as clicking, popping and reduced mouth opening.
TMD develops due a plethora of other underlying issues, such as tongue dysfunction, crowded teeth and sleep bruxing, and unless these causes are addressed, they will continue to wear down the joint. When the joint wears down, the space between two bones in the joint decrease; increasing the occurrence of the jaw locks, and can even lead into a permanent jaw lock.
The temperomandibular joint is the most complex joint in the body. It is the only joint that is connected to both the left and right side of the body, and can perform movements in any direction. It must be handled with extreme care and by the right specialist.
On the internet, there is TMJ – Too Much Junk – on how to treat these problems with exercises. Just like any other joint, if there is a problem, the first step is to immobilize it and reduce the wear and tear. Doing generic exercises may help initially, but it long term, it will likely lead to further the deterioration of the joint. Similarly, using medications to prevent pain or relax muscles will not do anything to address the progression of damage to the joint.
“Every patient is different, and we will use the right tools for each one.”
Migraines are a condition wherein the patient develops constant and regular headaches in one or two sides of the facial and head region.
TMJ problems are always multi-factorial. They can range from misaligned teeth and jaw position, bruxism, arthritis of the jaw joints to muscle imbalance.
Orthodontic treatment commonly known as BRACES in layman terms is the art of correcting the alignment of teeth with the use of metal, ceramic or
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