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What to Consider When Choosing a Migraine Specialist for Effective Treatment

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FEB 04


Migraines are a condition wherein the patient develops constant and regular headaches in one or two sides of the facial and head region. Often the patients suffering from this condition are wrongly diagnosed and end up taking painkiller (analgesic) medications for years and do not get a solution for the same. Visiting a Neuromuscular Dentist should also be an option to consider to help you find relief that lasts. In this blog we aim to help you understand effective treatment for migraines.
migraine headache specialist

Relationship between headaches & migraines

It is important to know that almost 80% of the uncured headaches that develop in patients is related to the Jaw joint i.e TMJ and this requires attention from a headache specialist.
Most patients end up taking tablets for this condition instead of consulting a Neuromuscular Dentist specialist. If these headaches last for more than 1-2 days and patients continue suffering whenever there is a migraine-like attack inspite of being on medication, rest assured it’s the TMJ disorder that would be causing it.

What our migraine specialist has to say

We at THE RIGHT BITE SLEEP AND TMJ PAIN CARE, with some of the best doctor for migraine treatment, often see patients who visit us after suffering from these migraine issues sometimes from more than a decade and then on clinical and radiograph assessment (CBCT) it gets diagnosed as TMD (temporo mandibular disorder) meaning a condition related to the connection of the lower jaw (Mandible) to the articular fossa of the skull.
migraine specialist

Why you should consider seeing a cluster headache specialist

The reason for pain, headache is the 5th Cranial nerve which is the Trigeminal Nerve which has 60% of the neural tissue of the head and neck areas and thus plays a very pivotal role in the sensory feedback that goes from the muscles of the head and neck area to the control centers in the brain
It is important for a dentist and a cluster headache specialist to rule out the TMJ and its associated DISC displacement issues before embarking on migraine treatments pharmacologically i.e prescribing painkiller tablets to these patients without proper diagnosis.
Our migraine headache specialist often sees patients sometimes old sometimes as young as 6 years suffering from headaches caused due to a faulty lower jaw position and thus requiring proper TMJ care. These young patients if not treated for the jaw/ muscles treatment may end up in a life long pain situation.
A simple malocclusion (faulty teeth positioning or faulty bite) can cause lifelong migraine because it changes the jaw joint positioning leading to compression of the nerves in and around the joint.
cluster headache specialist


From the dentist’s perspective it is important for us to correctly diagnose a TMD patient before referring them to a Neurologist or other so called “Pain specialists”.
If you are looking for the best doctor for migraine treatment, visit us at THE RIGHT BITE SLEEP AND TMJ PAIN CARE clinics in India, UAE, Nepal
To treat the most complex of TMJ problems, contact us at TMJ India and get your appointment with our TMJ experts today! 

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