A Brief History of Teeth Alignment
From prehistoric times even in the Egyptian mummies they found wires attached to the teeth probably as ornamental or they may have appliances that probably moved teeth! So humankind always strived towards well aligned teeth.
In the late 18th century- early 19th century after industrial revolution the consistency of foods started to become more and more softer and sweeter due to the massive push of SUGAR as a basic and important ingredient by the industrial houses.
From then on the malocclusions have increased substantially due to lesser chewing and there was evolutionary change in the shape and size of the jaws due to which the 32 teeth couldn’t be accommodated into the jaw size and malocclusions increased manifold.
Orthodontic treatment in Bangalore involves movement of teeth with braces/ aligners and correction of forwardly placed, mal aligned and/or missing/ crooked teeth to derive a better and more confident smile for the patient. It is strictly to be done by a doctor who is trained in the ART OF ORTHODONTICS and not by the general dentist as the skill involved needs many years of training and experience.
Braces such as metal braces and ceramic braces (tooth colored braces) have been there from the last 25-30 years and are getting better and more efficient by the day. Millions of patients have benefited from these orthodontic braces treatments all over the world.
It is hence important the patients who are now having access to education through their mobile phones etc to evaluate the extraction orthodontic options and find doctors who treat the malocclusions holistically and non-invasive options such as AIRWAY ORTHODONTICS.
The other issues plaguing the patient treatment is the advent of D2C aligners such as TOO….SI* aligners in the market. In these the company sends representatives/ technicians directly to the patients house to obtain an intraoral scan and images of the teeth. Later the aligners are sent to the patients house without involvement of the Dentist/ Orthodontist and this is trend currently!
The poor patients do not know the perils of these D2C brands and end up damaging their teeth permanently and later come back to the Orthodontists for repair and by then it is too late to correct the damage done.
Therefore it is important for the patients looking for teeth alignment, smile correction to consult only from trained and experienced Orthodontists and thus avoid unnecessary “quackery” like treatments.
Another important point of discussion is the orthodontics treatment cost. The options available now such as DAMON braces, Invisalign, Spark Aligners provide novel solutions to patients looking for non invasive, holistic options for correction of their malocclusions.
Although orthodontics treatment cost with these braces/ aligners are expensive compared the cheaper Chinese varieties in the market they are better because of the amount of research that goes in development of these bracket/ aligner systems which definitely aid in providing better treatment and better outcomes.
Orthodontic surgery cost varies depending on your condition and the place where you decide to have yourself treated.
From a patient perspective it is important to identify doctors who are AIRWAY FOCUSSED and can help alleviate the pain and agony that the patients come looking for a solution
To treat the most complex of TMJ problems, contact us at TMJ India and get your appointment with our TMJ experts today!