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Sleep Specialists in Bangalore

migraine specialist in bangalore
At TMJ India, a leading Sleep clinic in Bangalore, we have some noted sleep specialists working relentlessly on disorders related to sleep like insomnia, sleep apnea, bruxism, sleep related rhythmic movement disorder or SMRD and other related problems that are the major cause of negatively affecting your lifestyle.
sleep clinic in Bangalore

Our Sleep Apnea Treatment in Bangalore

sleep clinic in Bangalore
Our doctors are experts in diagnosing, treating and managing your sleep disturbances through administering relevant medications and help you with our rehab programme through assistance from them and the support staff personally, ensuring your sleep-patterns are back to normalcy.

Symptoms Treated by our Sleep Disorder Doctor

Did you know that a sleep apnea doctor is also called a somnologist? Yes, at TMJ India, a leading sleep clinic in Bangalore, our somnologists are experienced in treating sleep-related issues due to the current lifestyle and stress conditions that everyone is undergoing in their lives. A few common sleep disorders are-




Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep


Excessive daytime sleepiness


Teeth grinding or clenching during sleep


Sudden, uncontrollable sleep episodes during the day at random time intervals

Sleep Apnea

Frequently stopping and resuming breathing during sleep


Abnormal behaviors during sleep (e.g., sleepwalking, night terrors)

Circadian Rhythm problems

Difficulty falling asleep, waking earlier than required, or inconsistent deep sleep patterns

Sleep-Related Rhythmic Movement issues

Repetitive movements during sleep or drowsiness

Restless Legs Syndrome

Restless sensations in the legs, leading to an urge to move them or rapidly shake them

Sleep Behavior Disorder

Enacting out dreams during sleep


Loud, noisy breathing through the mouth during sleep

Nightmare Disorder

Frequent, disturbing dreams


Walking or performing other activities while asleep

sleep apnea treatment in Bangalore

Why choose TMJ India for Treating Sleep Disorders?

At TMJ India, we understand the criticality of having sleep disorders and what it takes to have a restful sleep for your overall improvement in lifestyle. Our sleep specialists in Bangalore who are specialized in treating sleep problems help you with the best insomnia and other treatment related to different symptoms.

Our experienced neuromuscular doctors and TMJ specialists are dedicated in providing treatment for sleep related disorders caused by the current stressful lifestyle. Our different treatment options like CPAP, co-appliances, medications, chronotherapy, assessing and changing your sleep hygiene and other aspects are closely looked into by our eminent doctors.  

List of Top 4 Sleep Specialists in Bangalore

AT TMJ India, we have a list of eminent doctors to treat sleep disorders like Insomnia, Sleep Apnea and others. Here is a list of the top-rated Sleep Specialists in Bangalore to help combat your sleep problems.

Dr. Raj Rav


Dr. Raj Rav is the best Sleep specialist in Bangalore with a vast experience of 26 years in the field of clinical medicine, sleep-related, migraine and TMJ problems. With many qualifications under his credit, he is one of the best sleep specialists in the country. He specializes in Neuromuscular dentistry, Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics and other issues like migraine problems, sleep apnea, smile reconstruction and treating TMJ problems.

He is noted for his treatments for sleep-related problems and related fields by identifying the causes and symptoms through thorough examination procedures. With various credentials like fellowships of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics, International Functional Orthodontics Association, a certified Orthodontist, member of American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine, USA, board member at IFUNA (International Functional Orthodontics Association) and many other credentials, his experience is vast and the ideal doctor to go to for your sleep apnea and other related problems.


25 years +


English, German, Hindi


Neuromuscular Dentistry



Rajas Dental College, Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, India


Master of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics


Fellow of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics.

Dip. N.M. Orthodontics

ICNOG, Genoa, Italy

Dip. Dental Sleep Medicine

Fellow of American Association of Cranio-Facial Pain, USA


Fellow of American Association of Cranio-Facial Pain, USA

Diplomate in Orthodontics

Orthodontic World Institute, Spain


Fellow of International Functional Orthodontics Association

ALF certified

Specialized Neuro-sensory holistic treatment

Vivos certified

DNA appliance certified Orthodontist


ICCMO India Section


ICCMO International

Member AADSM

American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine, USA

Central Council Member






Board Member

IFUNA ( International Functional Orthodontics Association)

Board Member

ICCMO North America

KOL (Key Opinion Leader)




Moti Physio


Sdi Matrix

Vivos DNA




Surya Kumar
Surya Kumar
Received great treatment and care from Dr Girish and Dr Devki for my sleep apnea problem. There is good improvement in the symptoms in a short time which i did not expect. Overall happy with the services.
Dr Rajendra prasad
Dr Rajendra prasad
Awesome clinic for all tmj , sleep apnoea and MSE treatments in India!! The Bangalore clinic is state of the art. They have a plethora of equipments like K7 jaw tracker, EMG for neuromuscular tmj treatments.
 Asha Girish
Asha Girish
Only clinic in Bangalore that can diagnose a tmj disorder correctly. Many ENT surgeons and dentists failed to notice my tmj problem and it was correctly diagnosed here.
Mukta Mukta
Mukta Mukta
I came with a lot of problems to The Right Bite, Kolkata. The doctors and the treatment helped me. I am good now. The treatment is a success. Treatment gave me a new life, I did not expect I would come back to this condition.
Preeti Kundu
Preeti Kundu
The best tmj care I have ever experienced! The highly educated, experienced doctors and friendly staff made me feel very good and comfortable… would highly recommend to everyone to go
Harish Sinha
Harish Sinha
I have underwent TMJ treatment. My experience is very good here. Everybody is very friendly & always helpful. This is very good hospital with advance systems for TMJ treatment.
Bhawani Bansal
Bhawani Bansal
All my TMD has been sorted and I got the digital smile correction also.Its been 2 years and have had no problem.The team of Right bite lead by Dr Rajesh is just too good always ready to help.
shantanu dasarwar
shantanu dasarwar
The symptoms I presented were headaches,migraine among few.The fact that this could be releated to an Improper bite was unknown to me .DR RAJESH explained this to me .The symptoms substantially reduced with the orthotic in place and I'm felling a lot better.

Dr. Girish P. V.

Dr Girish PV is another well-known sleep disorder doctor at TMJ India, who helps in tracking your everyday routine, lifestyle habits, reasons for stress and other aspects leading to your sleep problems through a meticulous and scientific approach.

With over 18 years of successful stint in the field of clinical medicine, he is renowned for his pioneering research in the DOME technology for sleep apnea patients where is thoroughly monitors the exact cause of the problems through placing electrodes and studying the electrical signals passing through your body. With an eye for learning the latest advancements in the field of sleep related treatments, he is one doctor you can vouch for, with your severity of sleep deprivations.



Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics


Fellow of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics.

Certified in Orthotropics and Mewing

London School of Facial Orthotropics

MSE Appliance specialist

Skeletal Expansion Specialist

Neuromuscular Orthodontics

Fellowship in ICNOG, Italy

Vice President

ICCMO India Section

Vivos certified

DNA appliance certified Orthodontist

Fellowship in Pediatric Dental Sleep Medicine

Tufts, USA

BRAVA Certified

Customized Lingual Appliance

ALF Certified

Specialized Neuro-sensory holistic treatment

Dip. N.M. Orthodontics

ICNOG, Genoa, Italy

Chirodontics Trained

Suture release expert

DHA Certified

Specialist Orthodontist Dubai

KOL (Key Opinion Leader)





Sdi Matrix

Dr. Abhimanyu Chaturvedi

Dr. Abhimanyu Chaturvedi is deeply passionate about learning advanced treatment techniques and staying updated on the latest advancements of sleep related treatment. Understanding the principles behind the development of sleep disorders and treating them accordingly is his forte.

His expertise lies in treating patients suffering from tongue-tie, snoring, sleep apnea, teeth griding, lingual frenectomy and other issues related to sleep problems. He is an active member of many NGOs and is noted for conducting free health camps for the underprivileged in his free time.



Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics


Fellow of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics.

Fellowship in Laser frenuloplasty

Dr Soroush Zaghi & The Breath Institute in tongue tie release


Conventional and zygomatic implants

MFT Trainer

Myo-Functional Therapist


ICCMO India Section


Kantipur Dental College, Nepal

KOL (Key Opinion Leader)



Dr. Ankit Saha

Dr. Ankit Saha is among the top doctors for providing sleep apnea treatment in Bangalore. He has extensive experience in the field of sleep disorder issues sleep apnea, migraine and insomnia among others. He has various accolades as well with experience related to neuromuscular problems in general medicine and dentistry.

With reputable credentials from across the globe, Dr. Ankit Saha is another top choice for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. He has a fellowship from Pierre Fauchard Academy and is DTR certified. His exposure and knowledge in polysomnography and PAP therapies delivers the best care for sleep apnea and other sleep disorders.



Oral Medicine and Radiology

DTR Certified

Specialised in Disclusion time reduction protocol


Fellow of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics.


Kantipur Dental College Teaching Hospital & Research Centre, Kathmandu, Nepal

Executive Committee Member

ICCMO India Section

Fellowship of Pierre Fauchard Academy

Nepal Section

KOL (Key Opinion Leader)
